۸تیر ماه ۱۴۰۳، مهدی شکیبافر به تحمل حبس تعزیری محکوم شد.
به گزارش حقوق بشر در ایران، طی روزهای گذشته، مهدی شکیبافر، وکیل دادگستری، ساکن استان مرکزی، توسط قاضی شعبه ۹ دادگاه تجدیدنظر استان مرکزی به تحمل حبس تعزیری محکوم شد.
براساس این گزارش، اتهام منتسب شده به مهدی شکیبافر «توهین به رهبری در فضای مجازی» و «فعالیت تبلیغی علیه نظام» عنوان شده است.
لازم به اشاره اتهامات منتسب شده مهدی شکیبافر، فعالیتهای وی در فضای مجازی و انتشار مطالبی از سوی این وکیل دادگستری در صفحات شخصی اش بوده است.
Witness.Report Status Chaneges:
Date: 2024-12-13
City: Tehran
Country: Iran
Health Status: Unknown
Status: House Arrest
Comment: The status has been corrected
Date: 2024-12-03
City: Tehran
Country: Iran
Health Status: Unknown
Status: Imprisoned
Comment:A lawyer suffering from heart disease, was temporarily released from Saveh prison for treatment under the supervision of an electronic shackle.
Date: 2024-08-27
City: Tehran
Country: Iran
Health Status: Unknown
Status: Imprisoned
Comment:On Monday, Shahrivar 5th, 1403 (26th August 2024) Mr Mehdy Shakibafar, a lawyer went to Saveh prison to serve his sentence.
Date: 2024-08-18
City: Tehran
Country: Iran
Health Status: Unknown
Status: Imprisoned
Comment:He was summoned to branch one of the execution of criminal sentences of the General and Revolutionary Prosecutor's Office of the city #ساوه with a thirty-day deadline to execute his sentence of twenty-two months and seventeen days of imprisonment.
Date: 2024-07-11
City: Tehran
Country: Iran
Health Status: Unknown
Status: Summoned
Comment:He was sentenced to twenty-two months and seventeen days in prison by Branch 9 of the Appeals Court of Central Province.
Date: 2024-07-03
City: Tehran
Country: Iran
Health Status: Unknown
Status: Summoned
Comment:This lawyer was sentenced to prison by the judge of Branch 9 of the Court of Appeals of Central Province. The alleged charge is "insulting the leadership in cyber space" and "propaganda activity against the system".