Mohammad Hosseinkhah

Mohammad Hosseinkhah

محمد حسینخواه

Nationality : Iranian
Age: 0
Status: Shot to death
Be My Voice:
Mohammad Hosseinikhah, in the uprising of 2022 in the city of Sari, who was directly shot by Khamenei's mercenaries, lost his life on September 22, on the way to freedom.
محمد حسینی خواه، در قیام ۱۴۰۱ در شهر ساری که بر اثر شلیک مستقیم توسط مزدوران خامنه ای، به تاریخ ۳۱شهریور جانش را در راه آزادی از دست داد.

Witness.Report Status Chaneges:

Date: 2023-11-26
City: Sari
Country: Iran
Health Status: Deceased
Status: Shot to death
Comment: Was shot dead on September 22, 2022

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