Iraj Rahnama

Iraj Rahnama

ایرج رهنما

Nationality : Iranian
Age: 0
Status: House Arrest
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Witness.Report Status Chaneges:

Date: 2024-02-15
City: Shiraz
Country: Iran
Health Status: Unknown
Status: House Arrest
Comment: On the 12 of February 2024, he was released from the political prisoners and teachers' trade union activists after the installation of an electronic shackle in Adel Abad prison in Shiraz.

Date: 2024-01-29
City: Shiraz
Country: Iran
Health Status: Unknown
Status: Summoned
Comment:Following the violation of his verdict by the Supreme Court of the country, he was sentenced to two years in prison by the first branch of the Court of Appeal of Fars province.

Date: 2023-10-25
City: Shiraz
Country: Iran
Health Status: Unknown
Status: Exile to another city
Comment:Iran Rahnama was sentenced to imprisonment, exile and additional punishments.

Date: 2023-10-25
City: Shiraz
Country: Iran
Health Status: Unknown
Status: Imprisoned
Comment:Iran Rahnama was sentenced to imprisonment, exile and additional punishments.

Date: 2023-10-09
City: Shiraz
Country: Iran
Health Status: Unknown
Status: Arrested
Comment:Iran Rahnama, a teachers union activist of Fars province, was arrested by security forces in Shiraz at the same time as World Teacher's Day and taken to an unknown location.

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