Varisheh Moradi

Varisheh Moradi

وریشه مرادی

Nationality : Iranian
Age: 0
Status: Imprisoned
Be My Voice:
بر اساس خبری در کمیته پیگیری وضعیت زندانیان در ۲۱ آبان ۱۴۰۲ وریشه مرادی، فعال سیاسی و مدافع حقوق زنان که در روز ۱۰مرداد۱۴۰۲ در مسیر مریوان به سنندج، با خشونت دستگیر شده بود، همچنان در شرایط نامعلومیبه سر می برد. براساس گزارش‎ها او پس از بازداشت به مدت هفتاد روز در بازداشتگاه اداره اطلاعات سنندج نگهداری شده و در این مدت تحت شکنجه‎های جسمی قرار گرفته است.

او سپس به یکی از خانه های امن وزارت اطلاعات در تهران منتقل شده است. منابع نزدیک به این فعال سیاسی گفته اند که او از زمان ربوده شدن تاکنون هیچ گونه تماسی با خانواده اش نداشته است و وضعیت او مصداق «ناپدیدسازی قهری» است.

وب سایت «بی تاوان»، متعلق به وزارت اطلاعات جمهوری اسلامی، روز چهارشنبه ۱۷ آبان، در گزارشی از بازداشت سه عضو پژاک به نام‎های پخشان عزیزی، وریشه مرادی و سیروان محمدرضایی در جریان درگیری با نیروهای سپاه پاسداران در صبح همان روز خبر داد. این درحالی است که براساس گزارش‎ها، این سه نفر ماه هاست که در بازداشت نیروهای امنیتی هستند و هیچ ارتباطی با درگیری های یاد شده نداشته اند.

Witness.Report Status Chaneges:

Date: 2024-08-05
City: Tehran
Country: Iran
Health Status: Unknown
Status: Imprisoned
Comment: The second session of the court hearing the accusations against Ms Varisheh Moradi, a politically accused, which was supposed to be held on Sunday 14th Mordad 1403 (4th August 2024) in the 15th branch of the Tehran Revolutionary Court, was canceled despite the presence of the accused's lawyers in the court. The judge (Mr Abolghasem Salavati) refused to hold this meeting due to Mrs. Moradi's absence.

Date: 2024-06-17
City: Tehran
Country: Iran
Health Status: Unknown
Status: Imprisoned
Comment:On Sunday, the 27th of Khordad 1403 (16th June 2024) the first session of the court hearing the charges against her was held in the 15th branch of the Tehran Revolutionary Court.

Date: 2024-05-18
City: Tehran
Country: Iran
Health Status: Unknown
Status: Imprisoned
Comment:After returning her from ward 209 of Evin prison to the general ward of this prison, she ended her hunger strike.

Date: 2024-05-17
City: Tehran
Country: Iran
Health Status: Unknown
Status: Imprisoned
Comment:A political defendant imprisoned in Evin prison, recently went on hunger strike. This strike is protesting the transfer of Mrs. Moradi to Ward 209 of Evin Prison and also the non-holding of their court hearing.

Date: 2024-02-10
City: Tehran
Country: Iran
Health Status: Unknown
Status: Imprisoned
Comment:She was charged by the fifth investigation branch of Tehran's General and Revolutionary Prosecutor's Office.

Date: 2023-12-28
City: Tehran
Country: Iran
Health Status: Unknown
Status: Imprisoned
Comment:On Tuesday 5th of Day 1402 (26th Dec 2023), she was transferred from the detention center of the Ministry of Intelligence known as ward 209 of Evin prison to the women's ward of this prison.

Date: 2023-12-10
City: Tehran
Country: Iran
Health Status: Unknown
Status: Temporary detention
Comment:A citizen from Sanandaj, despite the passage of more than four months since her arrest, she is still in detention and in limbo.

Date: 2023-11-12
City: Tehran
Country: Iran
Health Status: Unknown
Status: Temporary detention
Comment:She has been moved to Tehran and "Bitawan" website, belonging to the Ministry of Information of the Islamic Republic, reported on Wednesday, November 17, in a report about the arrest of three members of PJAK, namely, Paharhan Azizi, Verishe Moradi, and Sirvan Mohammad Rezaei, during a clash with the IRGC forces in the morning of the same day. This is while, according to the reports, these three people have been in the custody of the security forces for months and had nothing to do with the aforementioned conflicts.

Date: 2023-09-26
City: Sanandaj
Country: Iran
Health Status: Unknown
Status: Temporary detention
Comment:Varisheh Moradi, a resident of Sanandaj, despite the passage of more than fifty days since her arrest, she is still in detention and in limbo. The lack of news about Mrs. Moradi's fate has increased the concerns of the family of this detained citizen.

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