روز ۲۱ مهر ۱۴۰۱، در جریان خیزش سراسری زن، زندگی، آزادی، در بیمارستان شهر بوکان، مأمور امنیتی چشمانش را به چشمان سیما مرادبیگی دوخت و لوله تفنگ را به دستش چسباند و شلیک کرد. سیصد گلوله ساچمه ای در دستش بود.
او به بیمارستان بوکان رفته و استخوان های دستش را که آویزان شده بود میتوانست ببیند. ولی در بیمارستان بوکان کاری برایش نکردند و سپس به بیمارستان ارومیه رفت و به کمک چند دکتر در این بیمارستان پذیرفته شد و سه عمل جراجی روی دستش انجام شد و در انتها آرنج دستش را تخلیه کردند. دو روزپس از برگشت به بوکان نیروهای امنیتی به خانه آنها میروند تا دستگیرش کنند او که در خانه مادر شوهرش بود خبردار شده و برای پنج ماه مخفیانه در ایران زندگی میکند و سپس موفق به ترک ایران میشود. این زن بیست و شش ساله و دارای همسر و فرزند است.
On the on October 13, 2022, during the nationwide uprising of women, life, freedom, in Bukan city hospital, the security officer pointed his eyes at Sima Moradbeigi's eyes and attached the barrel of the gun to her hand and shot. She had three hundred bullets in her hand.
She went to Bukan Hospital and could see the bones of her hand that were hanging. But they didn't do anything for him at Bukan hospital, and then she went to Orumiyeh hospital and was admitted to this hospital with the help of several doctors, and three surgeries were performed on her hand. At the end, her elbow was drained. Two days after returning to Bukan, the security forces went to their house to arrest her. She was found out at her motherinlaw's house and secretly lived in Iran for five months and then managed to leave Iran. This woman is twentysix years old and has a husband and a child.
She went to Bukan Hospital and could see the bones of her hand that were hanging. But they didn't do anything for him at Bukan hospital, and then she went to Orumiyeh hospital and was admitted to this hospital with the help of several doctors, and three surgeries were performed on her hand. At the end, her elbow was drained. Two days after returning to Bukan, the security forces went to their house to arrest her. She was found out at her motherinlaw's house and secretly lived in Iran for five months and then managed to leave Iran. This woman is twentysix years old and has a husband and a child.
Witness.Report Status Chaneges:
Date: 2023-11-09
City: Bukan
Country: Iran
Health Status: Unknown
Status: Escaped
Comment: She is a 26 years old Kurdish woman and one of the victims of the nationwide protests in Bukan city, on October 13, 2022 who has recently left Iran. She was shot by shotgun and as a result her arm was amputated.
Date: 2023-11-09
City: Bukan
Country: Iran
Health Status: Unknown
Status: Escaped
Comment:She is a 26 years old Kurdish woman and one of the victims of the nationwide protests in Bukan city, on October 13, 2023 who has recently left Iran. She was shot by shotgun and as a result her arm was amputated.