Witness.Report Status Chaneges:
Date: 2024-05-23
City: Oshnavieh
Country: Iran
Health Status: Unknown
Status: Released
Comment: He was released from one of Urmia's security detention centers on Tuesday, Ordibehesht 1st, 1403 (21st May 2024).
Date: 2024-05-12
City: Oshnavieh
Country: Iran
Health Status: Unknown
Status: Arrested
Comment:On Saturday the 22nd of Ordibehesht 1403 (11th May 2024) Mr Haji Khosh, a citizen of Kohneh Ghale’eh in Ashnoye county, was arrested after being summoned to the Intelligence Department of this city.
Date: 2024-05-12
City: Oshnavieh
Country: Iran
Health Status: Unknown
Status: Arrested
Comment:On Saturday the 22nd of Ordibehesht 1403 (11th May 2024) Mr Haji Khosh, a citizen from Ashnoye was arrested after being summoned to the Intelligence Department of this city.